The Court
The Court of Assistants
The Court can be traced back to a Petition in March 1610 which, at that time, limited the maximum number of Assistants from 68 to 30. The Court assists the Wardens in seeing that the ordinances are observed. It was originally commissioned to seek out defective wares, but this duty is no longer required.
All Past Prime Wardens are eligible to serve on Court, together with a maximum of 21 Liverymen below the chair. The Nominations and Appointments Committee recommends potential new Court Assistants to Court, from past Stewards, taking into account continuing support for the Company and its Charitable Trust.

The Wardens and Court
Prime Warden - Lady Lauriston
Upper Warden - Julian Adams
Under Warden - Mark Cooper
Immediate Past Prime Warden - Judy Tayler-Smith
PPW 1989 - Graham Redcliffe
PPW 1992 - John d'O Robinson
PPW 2008 - Graham Lewinstein
PPW 2009 - Michael Stemp
PPW 2012 - Neil Redcliffe
PPW 2013 - Graham Aslet
PPW 2014 - Edward Donaldson OBE
PPW 2015 - Richard Boucher-Giles
PPW 2016 - Peter Allen
PPW 2017 - Stephen Gee
PPW 2018 - Christopher Hipkins
PPW 2019 - Anne Holden
PPW 2020 - Lewis Bloch
PPW 2021 - Roger Harper MBE
Simon Langton KLJ
Philip Miles
Jonathan Pyzer
Rev'd Hugh Thomas
Peter Donaldson
Hedley French
Mike Horton
Sasha Keir
Vicky Nugée
Louise Smythe
Stephen Bowsher
Honorary Assistant - Stuart Redcliffe
Honorary Assistant - Anthony Charlwood
Our eight Stewards assist the Officers in running the Court. They also welcome and assist guests at our events.
They serve for two years and are then eligible for election to the Court when there is a vacancy.
2023 - 2024
Chief Steward - Nicholas Coletta
Annie Attlee
Casper Lawson
Alan Perry
Diana (Dido) Grattan
Stella Angelescu-Bicknell
Richard Burn
John Cavanagh