Membership is open to anyone over the age of twenty-one who will respect the Company’s heritage, take pride in its activities, strive to maintain its standards and has an interest in the history of the City of London. Prospective members have to be proposed by a member of the Company. If you do not know a Member of the Company personally please contact the Clerk who would be happy to discuss this and help in any way possible. Applicants from all walks of life are very welcome.

Types of Membership
There are two levels of membership of the Company: Freeman and Liveryman (terms which apply equally to both male and female members of the Company).
A candidate for membership of the Company, after being proposed, is interviewed by the Membership Committee who will then make the appropriate recommendation to the Court of the Company (its ruling body). Once the Court has given its approval the applicant is first admitted to the Freedom of the Company through a simple ceremony which is usually held as part of one of the quarterly Court Meetings, at which point they become a Freeman. Freemen of the Company are entitled to:
- a Freedom Certificate
- progression to the Freedom of the City of London
- receive the Company’s regular Newsletter
- attend most social events in their own right together with guests apply for full membership of the City Livery Club
A member may then progress to become a Liveryman. This is achieved after obtaining the Freedom of the City of London (via an application to the Guildhall, sponsored by the Company) and then attending a more substantial ceremony, again at a quarterly of the Court Meeting. Liverymen are entitled to:
- attend formal Company functions in their own right together with guests.
- take an active part in the running of the Company, perhaps through becoming a Steward or joining, by invitation, a committee and possibly progressing to the Court of Assistants.
- vote at Common Hall – the annual elections for the Lord Mayor of London and the two Sheriffs.
- attend all social events, including sporting events and inter-Livery competitions; cultural events such as visits to places of major historical interest in London; group visits in the UK and overseas.