Livery Schools Link

The Livery Schools Link (LSL) aims to promote support for schools in Greater London by Livery Companies themselves and by individual members of the Livery. They act as a link to introduce schools and Companies and to promote volunteering opportunities to members. The focus is on assisting children from disadvantaged backgrounds who can benefit from the help provided by Liverymen who typically have a business or professional background and are willing to share their skills. Ad hoc events such as help with reading, interview technique or CV mentoring are arranged, as are more long-term commitments such as becoming a Governor at a school where there may be a need for someone with analytical or management skills.
As well as these arrangements, LSL organises occasional events such as the Museums Marketplace which, with the help of the Museum of London, brought many smaller or less well known museums together under one roof along with a large number of teachers from schools, resulting in a growth of awareness of venues for educational visits. Another such event is the Livery Showcase, where many Livery Companies set up stalls at Guildhall to demonstrate their trades and crafts to many hundreds of teachers and children, thus promoting the modern relevance of the Livery as representatives of living skills that could provide attractive careers.
Campaign to raise funds for Digital Devices
Livery Schools Link launched the fundraising campaign in July to help buy devices and connections for disadvantaged students in schools who have limited or no possibility of working online. It is delighted to report that the campaign has now raised over £118,000. As of 10 February, this money had come from 100 Individuals typically with Gift Aid attached, 39 Liveries and 2 Corporations. Many schools are better prepared this time for the use of online education and it is likely to be used more in the future. Blended learning mixing face to face engagement with the enhancing opportunities online learning can bring is seen as the way forward.
The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the problem with many students from disadvantaged backgrounds being unable to access online schooling. LSL has helped 36 schools so far on receipt of a plan as to how the funds will be used. It delighted to be able to offer help to more schools going forward. If you are interested in donating please go to