How you can help
How to give
You can contribute to the work of the Charitable Trust through donations or a legacy.
Making a donation
IThe easiest way to donate is by bank transfer or by setting up a regular standing order (monthly or annually) via your bank.
The Charitable Trust’s bank details are as follows:
Account Name: The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers’ 2011 Charitable Trust
Account no: 66025044
Sort code: 51 50 03
Ref: Your Name
If you set up a new donation please inform our donations administrator, Steve Bowsher, at or by using the contact details on the Donations Form.
All donations we receive will be invested for the general running of the Charitable Trust unless otherwise stated.
If you are a UK taxpayer, it would be very helpful if you would Gift Aid your donations by completing the Gift Aid Form and return it to the donations administrator.
Donations can also be made in the following ways:
Bank standing order using our Standing Order Form.
Cheque (please send to the donations administrator using the contact details on the donations form)
CAF / KKL / Charities Trust / other charitable donation scheme (please inform the donations administrator of any donations made in these ways so they can be identified by us).
You can make an immediate donation by scanning the following QR code on your mobile device:

Gifting a legacy
By making a bequest to the Basketmakers Charitable Trust in your will, you can ensure that your generosity touches future generations, providing hope in years to come. More than half of our existing funds have been made available through gifts in wills.
We understand that your loved ones come first. By leaving to the Trust just a little of what is left after your loved ones have been provided for, you can make a major impact on the causes you hold dear. A legacy to us could also reduce inheritance tax for your beneficiaries.
Please seek professional advice if you are considering including a legacy to us in your will.
If you or your advisers would like to discuss a proposed donation or legacy, please contact our Donations Administrator, Steve Bowsher at
All conversations are treated in confidence.
Thank you for your support, which is much appreciated.