8th Battalion The Rifles
In February 2007 The Rifles was created from four of the finest infantry Regiments of the British Army.
The Devon and Dorsetshire Light infantry
The Light infantry
The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Light infantry
The Royal Green jackets
These Regiments are knowing as the Forming Regiments and they have a long and illustrious history .Between them these four forming Regiments have 913 Battle Honours. Since 53 per cent of those honours are shared between two or more of the Forming Regiments, as a single regiment The Rifles will have in the region of 437 Battle Honours. In addition, between them the four Forming Regiments have been awarded a total of 118 Victoria Crosses.
The Company has been affiliated with The Rifles since 2017 and as such are known as part of the Rifles Family.